The face is exposed to the harsh sun, environmental toxins, and harmful cosmetic products on a daily basis. Combined with reduced collagen and elastin production as you enter your 20s and 30s, your face is often the first place to show signs of aging and skin damage. Intense Pulsed Light, also known as IPL and Photorejuvenation, is a treatment that uses a light energy to heal and revitalize the skin. Sunspots and unwanted pigment can be reduced. Redness and unwanted small blood vessels can be treated. We are excited to offer IPL at Tampa Laser Hair Removal with our state-of-the-art technology.
About IPL Laser Treatment
This high-powered technology uses a versatile hand piece to deliver potent broad-spectrum pulses of light that heal a number of skin conditions ranging from rosacea and sun spots to hyper pigmentation and broken blood vessels. With minimal discomfort and virtually no risk or downtime, IPL treatment is the ultimate way to look and feel younger.
As the IPL light beams pass through your skin, the broad spectrum light targets specific skin pigments that cause redness, discolored patches, and dark spots. The light penetrates deep into the skin to reverse discoloration by forcing the damaged vessels and melanin pigment to be absorbed by the body and rendered less visible.
What Can IPL Do For the Skin?
IPL’s photorejuvenation process restores the skin’s health and vibrancy over the course of three to five treatments. Benefits include lightening and removing sun spots, age spots, redness, rosacea and dilated blood vessels. This process is known to boost the production of collagen in the skin which contributes to better textured skin that can help itself heal more effectively and even reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Are you are plagued by aged and damaged skin from sun exposure? If so, IPL treatment at Tampa Laser Hair Removal can target problem spots to help you embrace beautiful and flawless skin once again.
IPL also be used for hair reduction. If the laser hasn’t worked for you in the past then IPL may be right for you. Because half of the follicles are hibernating at any one time, it takes several treatments to catch all of the hair follicles at a growing phase. Depending on the body area, this could be from 3-8 treatments. Our IPL uses a highly cooled treatment device. For very sensitive areas, numbing gels are offered.
Choose Tampa Laser Hair Removal For Your Facial Rejuvenation
There are a myriad of skin enhancement treatments out there to help you embrace youthfulness and rehabilitate your damaged skin, but IPL facial rejuvenation is one of the few procedures that actually solves the problems causing distressed skin so the body can naturally heal.
At Tampa Laser Hair Removal, our advanced system utilizes short controlled pulses of light for optimal skin treatment. These pulses can be customized with specific wavelengths to target your exact skin condition. The IPL treatment is quick, comfortable, simple, and provides genuine skin enhancement for long-term results.
The experts at Tampa Laser Hair Removal are dedicated to personalizing treatment to bring you the best results possible. Call us today to learn how IPL treatment can restore youth to your appearance.