Your Guide to IPL: Everything You Need to Know

laser hair removal for the face tampaLiving in Florida is hard on your skin, especially in areas that take on the sun’s rays daily like your face. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments reverse the spots, tame redness, and return a youthful glow to your sun damaged face. At Tampa Laser Hair Removal, our specialists will guide you through every step of your IPL treatment. Be confident in your skin again with this state-of-the-art procedure.

What Is IPL?

IPL, also known as photo rejuvenation, delivers intense, broad spectrum light pulses to heal imperfections and invigorate your skin. Administered with a versatile handpiece, your Tampa Laser Hair Removal specialist can accurately target your problem areas.

The broad spectrum light used in IPL treatment targets melanin and hemoglobin deep under your skin’s surface. The light is absorbed by both melanin and hemoglobin. When absorbed by melanin, the pigment that is causing those unsightly brown spots, it’s fragmented and broken up, eventually being flushed out of your system. As the light is absorbed by hemoglobin, the tiny blood vessels that have been peeking through your aging skin are broken up and flushed away. Read More

All About Using IPL to Correct Sun Damage

The skin on your face endures the harsh Florida sun day after day, year after year, so it’s no surprise that your skin has started to show unwanted signs of sun damage. When you combine the effects of accumulated sun damage with the reduced collagen and elastin production that occurs as you enter your thirties, the result is tired, dull, and damaged skin that you wish you could revitalize.

Thanks to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), it really is possible to remove signs of sun damage and aging from your skin. Also known as photorejuvenation, IPL is a treatment that uses light energy to heal and revitalize the skin. Sunspots, unwanted pigmentation, small blood vessels, redness, and other problems can all be resolved with state-of-the-art IPL technology.     Read More

4 Major Benefits of IPL for Sun Damaged Skin

Living in the Sunshine State certainly has its benefits, but the power of the Florida sun isn’t always a friend to your skin. Signs of sun damage are numerous and can make you look much older than you really are. The sun damage on your skin might present itself as Actinic keratoses, which are rough and scaly patches of skin that look like warts, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. Fortunately, thanks to IPL technology, you don’t have to live with the proof of sun damage on your skin forever.

IPL Eliminates Dark Sun Spots

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, photorejuvenation harnesses the power of lasers to improve the health and appearance of the skin. IPL lasers emit a range of lightwaves that are absorbed to damage the walls of blood vessels and fragment unwanted melanin pigment. This damage forces the vessels and melanin to die and become absorbed by the body, rendering them far less visible on the surface of the skin. One treatment per month over the span of three to five months provides dramatic and long lasting results by generating gradual improvements. Read More

Why Use a Photofacial to Transform Your Skin?

Do you want to look older than you are? Of course not! But do you want to undergo plastic surgery to keep your face looking youthful? Probably not. This is why the popularity of laser treatments has surged in the past few years. Now more than ever before, men and women alike are recognizing the value of laser treatments like IPL to heal and revitalize the skin.

What Is an IPL Photofacial? Read More

Your Guide to Eliminating Sunspots on Your Skin

We all love the sun; it’s warmth and light help us feel energized, awake, and even more joyful. However, exposure to the sun obviously has its downfalls. It’s now widely understood that UV rays cause visible damage to the surface of your skin while simultaneously supporting the development of cancer in the future. Read More

What is Rosacea and How Can Lasers Make It Disappear?

As nice as it would be to enjoy clear and flawless skin all of your life, the reality is that a number of different skin conditions will impact your complexion over the years. Rosacea is one such skin condition that is often puzzling and frustrating to people who experience it. Fortunately, the team at Tampa Laser Hair Removal in Zephyrhills, Florida offers professional rosacea laser treatment to help you have the clear skin you’ve always wanted. Read More